The VISION | FOQUS| SUCCESS tag line summarizes where FOQUS Partners gets involved. We work with you to turn your vision into realistic, tactical plans putting you on a path to success. This may start with refining your vision into a strategic plan with multiple initiatives or diving right into specific initiatives you’ve already identified.
Program Management + Subject Matter Expertise = Strategic Success

Organization increasingly find that employees are overwhelmed with day to day operational tasks. Employees are challenged to provide increasingly effective and efficient operations due to growing competition, expanding regulatory requirements and maturing customer expectations. Meanwhile, leadership is developing the strategic vision for moving the organization forward. When it comes time to deliver on the strategic initiatives, organizations find that their most knowledgeable subject matter experts don’t have the availability to deliver on the strategic initiatives due to daily demands of operational processes. As a result, strategic initiatives often go unfulfilled due to a lack of short-term resources, even when such initiatives would generate long-term improvements to operations and the bottom line.
Not only are organizations finding that internal resources are severely time constrained, but that the skills and knowledge that make one individual great at delivering operational services day in and day out aren’t the same as those required to turn a strategic concept into reality. Projects designed to change processes often requires much different modes of thinking to execute than is required to routinely delivery day to day operations with quality and reliability. When organizations ask internal resources to perform both operational and project functions, most will become less effective in both roles.
Successful organizations are finding that the execution of strategic initiatives is most effectively performed by a focused team which blends internal resources with external support. Internal resources innately understand the organization’s culture and have a strong sense of how to get things done internally. They also have knowledge about clients, processes, procedures, culture, etc. which are invaluable when ensuring that a particular initiative can be integrated with day to day operations. Conversely, external resources bring the invaluable perspective of someone who has seen what other organizations have done in similar situations and aren’t blinded by thoughts of “how we’ve always done it.” External resources provide specific skills and knowledge relevant to the particular initiative, but also the bandwidth required to give strategic initiatives the dedicated focus required.

Parallel to the blending of internal and external resources, the blending of program management best practices with domain-specific subject matter expertise is the secret sauce that differentiates projects of moderate success and outstanding performance. Many of the same internal vs external resource factors also contribute to this dynamic. For instance, your network operations team may be fantastic at keeping your environment running, but not have a good understanding of how the organization as a whole is addressing regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, PCI or SOX. While an external compliance consultant can provide this domain-specific subject matter expertise, their knowledge must be blended with that of the internal network team to ensure compliance efforts don’t negatively impact the operations of the environment.
Program management best practices guided by a skilled practitioner completes the puzzle. These practices blended with domain-specific subject matter expertise allow strategic concepts to be turned into realistic, tactical plans. The realism that the subject matter experts provide to time lines, risks, communication requirements, etc. is where the magic happens and the result is a plan into which all stakeholders buy-in. Once the plan is in place, the skill of the program manager, with ongoing input from the subject matter experts, guides the execution of projects through iterations until success is achieved.
FOQUS Partners specializes in working with organizations to understand any gaps in skills and/or availability of internal resources and provides the external program management and subject matter experts to create a focused team to deliver on strategic initiatives. Let us bring our methodology to your next strategic initiative and see the magic formula in action.